Sunday, October 25, 2009

The quest to make money while you sleep

There are certainly some great benefits to being a forex affiliate. Money

Firstly, the compensation plan is significantly larger than most other affiliate programs. Compensation as a forex affiliate is typically based on a CPA (cost per action) or Revenue share model. In some cases the compensation is a combination of both of these, in which it is then called a hybrid commission. It is difficult to say which of these is a better seeing that it really depends on the quality of traffic that you bring in as an affiliate. If you are bringing in a lot of beginner traders that just want to try forex trading out then perhaps a higher CPA would be a better route and if you can bring in traders with more experience that make larger deposits then you will definitely want a higher revenue share. It is more difficult to find quality traders, however the rewards are huge if you bring in quality traders and have a revenue share plan. A revenue share plan provides many forex affiliates with a handsome passive income if built up properly over time. Don’t expect to get rich over night, however if you can bring in quality traffic over time, you will one day enjoy the feeling of waking up in the morning to a pleasant sight in your forex affiliate account.

Secondly, no staff, little to no overhead, no inventory, no renting or leasing of space, no customer service headaches, no cost of goods sold. That’s right, all the pain of owning a traditional business are gone as a forex affiliate. Now don’t get me wrong, there are still marketing costs and time investment required to being a forex affiliate, especially if you intend to use pay per click marketing campaigns. Paying to market through the search engines is a great place to start to get your affiliate business up and running quickly if you don’t yet have high traffic blogs or sites up and running. Over time your ultimate goal is to have a number of high traffic blogs or websites in which you generate forex leads through your forex banners.

Finally, the quest to make money while you sleep is not an easy one, but a forex affiliate program does offer you the capacity to do so over time. Thanks to the internet, with the right dedication to your websites or blogs you will reap the benefits that many people in the traditional working and business world would dream of.

What you need to focus on in terms of forex affiliate marketing

If you want to be successful a forex affiliate marketer, you need to master two essential things aside from having a professional looking blog or website.

Firstly, is pay per click marketing through Google, Yahoo and Microsoft. Of course you are going to get the largest reach by using Google adwords because Google has the largest search market, however you should not forget to try out the smaller search markets because that is where you can often get a lower cost per click on your advertising. There is nothing like being able to get up and running quickly with your forex affiliate marketing like using pay per click campaigns. It helps you to quickly generate leads. It is important to realize that you will need to generate alot of leads before you will see it convert to an active forex trader. You may need to generate 15-20 leads before you get one person that becomes a forex trader. Of course this number can be higher or lower depending on your skill as a pay per click marketer.

Secondly, in order for you to excel at forex affiliate marketing, you need to master your landing page. This can only happen by testing and retesting different versions of landing pages until you get one that yields the best results. I suggest that you create a landing page that has a delicate balance between banner advertising and useful financial information. People are not going to convert from a landing page that looks like a flashy gimmick trying to sell diet pill ebooks. It has to look like it has some credibility and respect. It could be as simple as displaying a live quote feed of currencies from your affiliate broker on your landing page. For example ForexYard has free currency tables and also economic calendars that you can paste the HTML right on your landing page or site. If you are really stumped about creating your own landing page, no need to worry as most forex affiliate programs offer you direct link landing pages that you can use for your pay per click campaigns without having to create your own landing pages.

Day Trading Forex Market Behaviour

Technology advances like the internet have spawned a new craze, where anyone with a secure internet connection prepared to undertake a small amount of training can engage in trading foreign exchange on the forex market.

Just as a day trader will closely track stock price movements on the Dow Jones Industrial Average, all over the world forex traders monitor currency fluctuations in a similar fashion.

Forex traders have the aim of using the smallest amount of one currency, say the US dollar, to purchase another currency like the British Pound. If supply of the pound lessens in a busy market, it will cost more dollars to buy pounds, and the forex trader hopes to sell their pounds at a higher than their purchase price. In many respects, this type of trading behaviour is very similar to trading in stocks, where the aim of nearly all traders is to buy low and sell high.

The trading process works under a bid/ask system. In the above example, a forex trader might bid 10 dollars in return for 5.7 British pounds, and the seller of the pounds could be asking 11 dollars for the same amount of pounds. If the seller accepts the bid, the trader then hopes the pound continues to increase in price, so that when time comes to sell, they can get in excess of the 10 dollars initially paid.

As only registered traders have access to this auction process, most online speculators will trade through a bank or broking house. Such brokerages charge a commission for facilitating the trades, and forex traders should consider these transaction costs when calculating their selling offer when time comes to exit their position, as this will influence their profit margin.

The global foreign exchange market can trade in excess of a trillion dollars a day. Sheer market size means there is considerable money to be made, and lost, through miscalculation. It is neither a guaranteed, nor easy path to riches, so traders should be educated in how to play the market. Instructional packages are available, and should be carefully reviewed as they can easily range in quality and price.

by Jay Moncliff

How to Take Control in Forex Trading

Forex Trading is not that easy, all FX traders before they enter this business, they think that they will be rich very quickly and make $20 000 in one or two weeks, but when they begin trading currencies they discover it is not true, it is not easy to make money especially when we work with money. Very tricky business, many of us think that there is a conspiracy planned by "THE BIG GUYS", they know what we think what we plan to do and they do the opposite to steel our money, many times we think to make the opposite of our decision (if I see the market is going up then I will sell). And we begin searching for someone to help us making at least 200 or 300 pips a month, probably many of us work with signals advisors who simply took our money and probably do not help us making decent profit. Many of us thought stop trading many of us quit FX trading but I think most of us will not quit easily because we see in it a golden opportunity to have our own business and make our fortune!

Foreign exchange is an opportunity to make a fortune and in same time it is an opportunity to loose our money, we can make a fortune if we knew how to handle Forex, if we don't know how to control Forex it will destroy us, so we must be stronger than it, and if we don't know how to control it with our own hands it will destroy us too. So how I can be stronger than this ferocious beast? It is simply by learning, observing, and practicing. The FX market will not go anywhere it will be trending and ranging for ever, so learn from experienced traders how they became that good, observe charts and look for common points look for the reason why the price change direction, and when you discover the reason which influence a currency you will have in your hand the first tool that gives you control. And each new thing you discover, try it on a demo account, see if it is valid and develop it. In this Forex article I am helping you to find your way, this Forex article does not give you the fish but it teaches you fishing. There is no conspiracy theory in this business, no big or small guys, we loose because we don't know, and the first thing we must do to become good traders is to admit that we don't know and we must always learn.

In this Forex Article I will give some clues and I will leave you learn, observe and practice.

First of all you must know that you must use fundamental and technical analysis in conjunction, both complete each others, so don't rely on one and leave the other. Fundamental is one of the reasons which influence the market, so if you are in a long trade and suddenly the trading currency went down so go and see if a report was released and see what its forecast and what was the released data and compare this data to your chart and you will have your first tool to control your business.

Second, in my opinion all the technical indicators didn't help me at all, I tried all the combinations nothing work, and indicators describe the status of the market but don't give you information about the next direction. I read a Forex article about a guy who describes his Forex Trading strategy in a Forex article, I was completely lost, he uses a combination of 12 indicators EMA340, SEMA890, EMA2900 etc: and he inserted FIBONACCI in it. I was totally lost. Even if his strategy worth 95% success I will not use it because I can control the market by using simpler techniques. So we don't need to seek indicators, only one indicator I use the Bollinger Bands which is the perfect weapon in my battle against Forex trading. So I want you to look at the Bollinger Bands and see how it affects a currency, focus on it and read well this Forex article and you will discover a lot of things, and you will have your second tool.

Third, suppose you are in a long trade and suddenly for no reason the Forex Trading price went down, there are no released reports it just turned down, this is weird. But weird things are those we don't understand, but if you observe your chart and go back several hours or days and drop a break line from higher swing points you will see that the price turns down because it reached that break line, you see there is no mystery. So this break line will be your Resistance and if price breaks it, it will continue going up, but going where and till when? Observe very carefully and you will learn as I did. And no need for midnight or afternoon candles, be simple as you can, that beast is not as ferocious as you think. So breakout is your third tool.

Fourth, what timeframe to use, it is up to you to choose the suitable timeframe, H1, H4, D1: I don't know, compare the charts and you will see the suitable timeframe. Timeframe is important and when you find it you will have your Fourth tool.

And that's it, I repeat observe your charts and focus and think in these clues in this Forex article and the more you think the more you discover, read Forex article, learn strategies and get foreign exchange books.

I do good profit from my Forex trading strategy because I program it, I gave my system the data and leave it do his job. This eliminates the fear factor and gave me more time to go out and have fun.

I hope this Forex Article gave some tips and techniques which help traders in their Foreign Exchange trades.

by Joe Chalhoub

FOREX — Dealing With Your Losses

One of the most important rules of Forex trading is to keep your losses as small as you possibly can. With small Forex trading losses, you can stick it out longer than those times when the market moves against you, and be well positioned for when the trend turns around. The one proven method to keeping your losses small is to set your maximum loss before you even open a Forex trading position.

The maximum loss is the greatest amount of capital that you are comfortable losing on any one trade. With your maximum loss set as a small percentage of your Forex trading effort, a string of losses won't stop you from trading for any particular amount of time. Unlike the 95% of Forex traders out there who lose money because they haven't begun to use wise money management rules to their Forex trading system, you will be ok with this money management rule.

To use as an example, If I had a Forex trading float of $1000, and I began trading with $100 a trade, it would be reasonable for me to experience three losses in a row. This would reduce my Forex trading capital to $400. It would then be decided that they're going to bet $200 on the next trade because they think they have a higher chance of winning after having lost three times already.

If that trader did bet $100 dollars on the next trade because they thought they were going to win, their capital could be reduced to $250 dollars. The chances of making money now are practically nil because I would need to make 150% on the next trade just to break even. If the maximum loss had been determined, and stuck to, they would not be in this position.

In this case, the reason for failure was because the trader risked too much money, and didn't apply good money management to the play. Remember, the goal here is to keep our losses as small as possible while also making sure that we open a large enough position to capitalize on profits and minimize losses. With your money management rules in place, in your Forex trading system, you will always be able to do this.

by Don Spanish

Forex Market Trading Hours

The Forex market has a huge advantage over the other investment markets - it's open 24 hours a day, six days a week. Whereas the commodities and stock market operates five days a week (Monday through Friday) during normal business hours, the Forex market continues its activity around the clock. If you want to trade at 2:00 am EST Monday morning, feel free to place your trade. If you would like to invest at 9:00 pm Thursday night when you have the time to concentrate on the market, simply place your trade on one of the many online Forex trading systems. However, even though the market is considered a 24-hour market, it's important to know when the market is actually active and when is the best time to place a trade on the market.

Actual operating hours

Even though the Forex market is open 24 hours a day, each financial center (i.e. New York, London, Frankfort, Tokyo, and Australia) has its own operating hours, which are usually from 8:00 am - 4:00 pm, local time. That means if it's 8:00 am (Tokyo time) on Monday morning, the Tokyo market will be open for trading even though it's 10:00 pm EST, on Sunday night. You could therefore take advantage of trading on the Forex market late Sunday night from your New York apartment.

Overlapping of hours

With so many financial centers around the globe, you will have times when two or more markets overlap. For instance, the New York and London markets overlap from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm EST, while the London and Tokyo markets overlap from 3:00 am to 4:00 am EST. The Sydney and Tokyo markets also overlap from 7:00 pm - 2:00 am EST. These overlapping periods are the best time to trade since volume (liquidity) is at it's greatest.

Other good times to trade

Besides the overlapping periods, it's best to trade at the following times:

  • During the middle of the week (shows most movement)
  • During trading hours of the three largest markets - London, New York, and Tokyo.

Times to avoid

It's best to avoid the following times/days:

  • Sundays (limited volume)
  • Fridays (unpredictable)
  • Holidays (limited volume)
  • Release of economic reports (volatility)
  • 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm EST (low market volume).

by Harman Gilly

Online Forex trading system platforms provide investors the chance ot invest in the largest investment market around.

Energy Prices, Inflation and Forex

Oil futures surged to a record intraday high of $70.85 on August 30th, the day after Hurricane Katrina made landfall on the Gulf Coast. While prices have moderated in subsequent weeks, it's worth examining how higher commodity prices and the specter of inflation impacts the foreign exchange (FX) market, particularly the U.S. dollar.

Traditional supply and demand factors certainly have contributed to the longer term trend in energy prices. The demand side of the equation has been getting plenty of press this year, with focus on the rapidly growing thirst for oil in both China and India. However, the recent spike in oil can primarily be attributed to hurricane related speculation in the futures market and the limited and centralized (on the Gulf Coast) refining capacity of the U.S.

Economic data released in recent weeks has begun to reflect the effects of hurricanes Katrina and Rita, which ravaged the U.S. Gulf Coast in August and September. These data reinforce what the Fed has been implying all along; that the economy is growing at a brisk pace and that inflation, not recession, should be the concern.

September jobs data showed the first net job losses since May of 2003, but the decline of 35,000 jobs was much smaller than the decline that was anticipated. September CPI showed the largest monthly gain in 25 years. However, when the volatile food and energy components are removed, inflation was a rather mild 0.1%. That was quite a bit less than the market was anticipating and suggests that the higher energy prices are not being passed through to the core number yet.

Similarly, the September PPI headline number exceeded expectation and was the largest monthly gain in 15 years. However, again we remove food and energy and see that wholesale prices were up a relatively restrained 0.3%. This core number did beat expectations though, so one might deduce that higher energy prices are starting to impact prices at the wholesale level and it's just a matter of time before these higher prices are passed along to consumers. Weaker than expected retail sales and a new 13 year low in Consumer Sentiment suggests that higher energy prices are indeed weighing on the American consumer's mind. How that will play out, particularly in the retail sector going into the holiday season is now a major focus on Wall Street.

With the word 'inflation' seemingly on everyone's lips these days, we expect the Fed to continue on its tightening schedule. The Fed raised the target for overnight borrowing in September by 25bp to 3.75%, the 11th such hike since June of 2004. Another rate hike is expected in October and at least one additional 25bp bump is all but assured in November or December.

Rising U.S. interest rates and an expanding U.S. economy have been the driving forces behind overseas flows into U.S treasuries and the stock market respectively. These flows translate into demand for the U.S. dollar, which has kept the greenback generally well bid in September and October. While we would contend that the equities market is vulnerable at this stage, the interest rate differential picture should continue to favor the dollar through year end.

High energy prices and inflation fears are not exclusive to the U.S. Central bankers and finance ministers from the Group of 20 industrial and developing nations are meeting in Beijing this month. A statement released on October 16th said, high oil prices "could increase inflationary pressures, slow down growth and cause instability in the global economy.'' This should benefit the dollar as well because in times of global economic uncertainty, the dollar is still considered a "safe haven" currency. While we may see other countries begin to tighten their monetary policies, U.S. interest rates will remain significantly higher.

The definitive move above USD-JPY 115.00 bodes well for additional dollar gains against the yen into the 118/120 zone. On the other hand, the July lows in EURUSD at 1.1868 must be convincingly negated to trigger further dollar gains against the European currency. Such a move would shift focus to the 2004 lows at 1.1759/78 initially, but potential would be for a drop below 1.1500.

In times of inflationary pressures, the U.S. dollar tends to lose ground against the commodity currencies. Commodity currencies are the currencies of countries that derive the bulk of their export revenues from the sale of commodities. Prime examples of liquid commodity currencies are the Canadian dollar, Australian dollar and New Zealand dollar.

The dollar hit a new 17 year low late in September against the Canadian dollar on the back of sharply higher oil and metals prices. While the dollar recovered from those lows, gains are considered corrective in nature and we look for the longer-term downtrend in USD-CAD to continue. Similarly, AUS-USD and NZD-USD are consolidating below important resistances with scope seen for additional short to medium term gains.

At some point, domestic inflation and the rise in the U.S. dollar will return focus to the U.S. trade deficit and balance of payments. As U.S. goods and services become more expensive, both domestic and overseas consumers will look elsewhere. That's the point where the U.S. stock market truly becomes vulnerable. Downside risk in the stock market will result in a negative impact on flows into the U.S. and consequently the long-term downtrend in the dollar would likely start to re-exert itself.

Conventional wisdom in the financial services industry suggests that placing 5-10% of one's portfolio in alternative investments, such as those offered by CFS Capital, is desirable to achieve the diversification necessary to protect against adverse moves in the more traditional asset classes.

by Peter Grant