Sunday, October 11, 2009

How to Save Yourself from Forex Scam

Forex trading is one of the best home based online business opportunity you can find today. The Big Sharks know that and use the demand for information about Forex market to get every possible dollar in their hands.

Who are they? The answer is always easy — Follow the Money. There is one player on currency market (and in every other market) who never loses his share in every single trade. Brokerage service on Forex trading is claimed to be commission free, right? But you always pay your minimum 3 to 10 pips fee on each trade. Where those 3 to 10 pips go? Make your best guess!

There is almost no chance for a person who has no idea for the forces driving the Info market to save himself from being robbed and abused by those well advertised money machines. You can see their banners on your e-mail provider. You can watch their infomercials on every TV channel.

Be aware about the presence of those Big Sharks and be sure that the information they will try to sell to you is always available for free online. Most of the time the quality and the real value of that free information is much better than the one you will be asked to pay for.

Here is the story of a good friend of mine. He was very excited about Forex when he first time heard about it. That happened to be on one of those popular free seminars, organized by one of the Big Sharks on that field. So he got the bite without paying attention for the hook in it. He went to the next level — two days training for $1,995, only.

He came back more excited. He opened Forex trading account on that seminar, using a special form provided by the Big Shark Company. They honestly declared that by doing that the broker agrees to pay them one pip from each trade made by the customer recruited by them.

My friend started real trading, constantly increasing the amount of his investment until he put all of his savings into that Forex trading account. Everything was fine until one beautiful day of October. On that day he got the news: his broker filed under chapter 11.

He was broke. I asked him how successful was his trading? His answer was that he actually lost 30% of his investment, from trading, only. He was able to realize know that the training was completely inefficient and not even close enough to start trading with real money.

Something big was missing here. He was missing the big picture in the entire game. His trading experience was very frustrating. After each trade he felt like just hit the wall with a car flying with 100 miles per hour.

A few days ago my friend called me on the phone. He was very enthusiastic about a new Forex training package, just delivered to him. I decided to check it by myself, too.

The package is very detailed. All the missing information about the big picture is there. More than 20 hours of free videos are revealing all you need to know about that business. Zooming towards Forex trading is very smooth and on the level every beginner and advanced trader will tremendously benefit of.

The one unbeatable and shocking advantage of this package is that it delivers information, priced from between $3,000 and $10,000, for free.

Finally we got something valuable about Forex trading, very professionally developed, for free.

Probably, that will put the Big Sharks business on hold for awhile, for the good sake to all of us.

So, be careful and keep an eye on the Internet unlimited free resources if you want to self yourself from the Forex scam.

Happy Forex trading!

by Teo Gee

Trading Trend And Ranges In Today's Forex

First what is Forex: The FOREX or Foreign Exchange market is the largest financial market in the world, with an volume of more than $1.5 trillion daily, dealing in currencies. Unlike other financial markets, the Forex market has no physical location, no central exchange. It operates through an electronic network of banks, corporations and individuals trading one currency for another.

When you choose to start trading in the Forex market, which is often called the foreign exchange market, you will need to know a little trading vocabulary. Learning specific terms and what they mean are essential before you even think about using real money to trade. You would never get into a pilot's seat and try to fly a plane without ever having taken flying lessons. The same goes for foreign exchange market trading. You need to be fully aware of what you are doing. This is a market that is not quickly learned, so you should never assume that once you jump into it, you will learn as you go. While some people opt to do that, they typically end up losing an adequate sum of money because they were not as prepared as they should have been. Knowing the importance of trading trends and ranges in Forex trading is very important. If you are thinking of trading in the Forex market, be sure you know what these terms mean and their implications.

Trading Trend

When price moves consistently in one direction in the Forex, a trend occurs. When the direction is higher, the trend is often called bullish. When the direction of the price is moving lower, the trend is often called bearish. These terms are relative of course. When you define a trend, you should always remember that price peaks and troughs are in the same direction. When you are dealing with a bearish trend, remember that price highs and lows are moving lower. Likewise when you are dealing with a bullish trend, they are moving higher.

Often when trends occur, it is possible to draw support lines under one that is moving higher (an uptrend). You can also often draw resistant lines above one that is moving lower (a downtrend). Once you see these lines break, it can be assumed that the trend is complete. At this point there is a possibility that the trend will begin to reverse. When it does reverse, you will need to know the pattern of what that entails.

Trend Reversal

When you hear of a trend reversal, it simply means that the direction of market prices is changing. Often you will see trend reversals following a four step pattern. Usually, this includes the market making a new high, the trend line being broken, the market making an intermediate low, and a new rally that does not match the first high. Many times you will see prices break the previous low however. You may come across terms such as Double, Triple Tops, and Bottoms, which are all trend reversal patterns. Head and shoulders patterns are also popular reversal patterns.

Trading Range

The trading range is actually a sideways chart pattern. It is often used to represent a resting period before the original trend is resumed. You may see these when you are charting trends and should know what they imply.

Often trends are very important to investors. Those who engage in trend-following are people who look at major trends and make decisions in the direction of the trend. This can be a good strategy, but you must know a great deal about trends and the market in general in order to use this technique successfully. Beginners are not usually very good at tracking trends and using trend-following techniques. One thing that you should also note is that some price movements are trendless. This means that they have no clear direction, which makes trend-following nearly impossible.

Remember, that in order to fully understand trends, you must be educated in the ways of the market and foreign exchange in general. Beginners should not rely heavily on foreign exchange market trend tracking. Once you get more experience you can begin looking into tracking more and more. However, be aware that different things affect and influence the Forex. These influences can change what people expect trends to be. Therefore, you should be a seasoned trader in order to rely on the trends and ranges alone. Educate yourself on these terms and learn to recognize them in the actual market. After all, learning the terms is one thing and being able to see them in reality is different.

by David Mclauchlan

Forex Information: How To Draw DeMark Trendlines

When searching for Forex information on the internet you are likely to find articles relating to trendlines and trendline analysis.

Tom DeMark is a specialist in the field of technical market analysis and his best-selling book "The New Science of Technical Analysis" released in 1994 spells out some innovative techniques when it comes to the use of trendlines.

Much Forex information on the internet is of a general nature, and many articles are written about Forex by individuals who are not traders themselves. Tom DeMark on the other hand has had a long career with institutions trading stocks, futures, currencies and options.

His guidelines on the use of trendlines are very specific and they can be helpful to the newer trader who is searching for reliable Forex information on how to use standard indicators.

Here is a brief step-by-step description of how to draw DeMark trendlines:

Note: The term swing high and swing low (also called cycle high and cycle low) refers to the following:

In An Uptrend: A swing high is the wick of a candle that is higher than the wick of the candle to the left and right.

In A Downtrend: A swing low is the wick of a candle that is lower than the wick of the candle to the left and right.

Obviously the more candles to the left and right that are higher in a swing low or lower in a swing high makes the swing or cycle more significant.

An uptrend is where price is making higher highs and higher lows. A downtrend is where price is making lower highs and lower lows.

Drawing DeMark Trendlines

Drawing Trendlines In An Uptrend

  1. Examine the bottoms of the candles on your chart and identify the most recent candle wick that is lower than the candle wicks to the immediate right and left of it.
  2. Look left on the chart, and identify the previous low candle that has candle wicks higher to the immediate right and left of it which is lower than the current low candle.
  3. Now draw a line from the current lowest candle to the previous lowest candle (drawing from right to left).
  4. Now take the end of the newly drawn line which stops at the current low candle and extend it forward some distance (drawing from the present position to the right).

Drawing Trendlines In A Downtrend

  1. Examine the tops of the candles on your chart and identify the most recent candle wick that is higher than the candle wicks to the immediate right and left of it.
  2. Look left on the chart, and identify the previous high candle that has candle wicks lower to the immediate right and left of it which is higher than the current high candle.
  3. Now draw a line from the current highest candle to the previous highest candle (drawing from right to left).
  4. Now take the end of the newly drawn line which stops at the current high candle and extend it forward some distance (drawing from the present position to the right).
  5. You have now drawn a Tom DeMark trendline.

    This can now be a reference point for future price action. It will often be observed that price will come and check this level. If it breaks through, it can mean a change in direction, the significance of which will depend on the time frame being used.

    Trendlines drawn on 5 minute or 15 minute charts have much lesser significance than trendlines drawn on higher time frames such as the 1 hour, 4 hour, or daily.

    Caution Required

    Much Forex information extols the virtues of trendlines as an indicator of possible future price action.

    Mr. DeMark certainly has made this a science and his detailed approach to drawing trendlines is certainly more accurate than just drawing general trendlines along the bottoms and tops of trends according to the way the eye sees.

    However, trendlines in themselves do not indicate where high probability trades can be taken.

    It is important to use a variety of indicators before pulling the trigger. Examining previous levels of support and resistance is probably far more significant in determining where price is likely to hesitate that watching trendlines.

    However, they can be useful. If you find a key support or resistance level also coincides with a Fibonacci retracement or extension level which is also at an intersection with a trendline, then you have built a reasonably solid case for a trade.

    Use this Forex information on DeMark trendlines wisely, with caution, and it can be another useful addition to the Forex day trader's toolkit!

    by Michael A. Jones